Core Values
Professionalism: In order to be certified, court reporters must first go through an extensive education and certification process. First, stenographers must learn an entirely new language, phonetic shorthand. This can take many years, and during that time, stenographers have been clocked reaching speeds of more than 300 words per minute. During the process of learning a new language and attaining incredible speed, they also gain the attention and stamina necessary to prepare true-to-detail transcripts under various demanding conditions.
Accuracy: Part of court reporters’ certification process involves a test where court reporting student must record 5 minutes of legal, medical and/or technical material with a minimum accuracy of 95%. That means that the final transcript delivered to you should be an exact, word for word record of what was spoken in the proceedings.
Speed: Another qualification of court reporter certification is speed. In fact, court reporters must be able to record live speech at a speed of at least 225 words per minute. This allows court reporters to keep up with testimony of even the fastest talkers.
Composure: Court reporters are experienced with all kinds of proceedings covering a wide range of topics. They are trained to maintain professionalism and composure under the most awkward of topics or most contentious of circumstances.
Timeliness: Court reporters live by schedules. They know they are relied on by attorneys and witnesses alike to arrive on time, come organized and ready to start and deliver final transcripts in a timely manner.
Confidentiality: Your court reporter is held to the same confidentiality standards as attorneys, paralegals and court staff. They are relied upon to not share anything they have heard or seen in the proceeding. They take this confidentiality seriously.
Impartiality: Court reporters work for both sides of the case, treating both attorneys and all witnesses as clients. Even though one attorney hires the court reporter, he or she is ethically bound to treat everyone with the same care and professionalism. To remain totally impartial, the court reporter will not interject his or her opinion of the case, witness or subject matter.
Our Competitive Advantage
Start with the technology. Our certified court reporters (CCRs) come with the very latest training in real-time documentation, including proprietary systems such as LiveNote™ and e-Transcripts ™. These are experienced, fast and efficient professionals who are well versed in a variety of specialties and come bearing all the hallmarks of effective support.
Of course, producing documents is only a small part of what we do here at ACE Reporting-US. Our logistical specialists take care of everything necessary to plan and execute a pretrial proceeding, from booking conference rooms to providing travel support, maps and guaranteed confirmations.
We have gained the trust of our clients by providing dependable, consistent, and accurate work in a timely manner. Our court reporters are the best in the industry with experience in every type of legal proceeding, such as depositions, hearings, EUOs, arbitrations, conferences and meetings.
ACE Reporting-US Executive Team

Kelly – President/CEO
Kelly started ACE Reporting-US as a sole proprietor in November of 2004. She brings over 21 years of experience and an extensive background in the court reporting and legal fields. She holds a BS in Education, as well as a Juris Doctor in Law. Kelly is passionate in her management of subcontractor and employee relationships and believes her experience in identifying and recognizing different strategies to maintain contracts locally, as well as nation-wide, promotes further development and success of the company.
Grand Manse, Suite 110
Lincoln, NE 68508
ACE Reporting-US, LLC | A Registered Nebraska LLC. |Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved
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